DIY Beauty: Natural Hair Lightening Cinnamon Honey Mask

Since the last hair lightening mask post I did seems to be pretty popular, I thought I'd hit you up with another one.  This mask is easy to make and apply.  The only hard part is getting all the cinnamon out of your hair.  A good long rinse in the shower and a good thorough shampoo should do the trick.

For this mask you will need
Olive Oil (preferably extra virgin)

Cinnamon will bring out the natural reddish brown hues in your hair.  It is also a peroxide activator, and will activate the peroxide in the honey.  The olive oil also will activate the peroxides in the honey, and will do a great job keeping your hair moisturized.  Conditioner acts as a base and allows your the cinnamon to stick to your hair.  It also makes the entire mask easier to wash out.

I used roughly equal parts of each ingredient. It worked out to about 2 1/2 tablespoons of each ingredient.  Use more or less based on the length of your hair.  My hair is layered, with the longest layer at bra-strap length.

Mix the ingredients together and let sit for about an hour.  Apply the mixture to your hair, (do your best to avoid the scalp, becomes some people find that it burns and becomes uncomfortable) and cover the hair with saran wrap for a minimum of four hours, overnight is best.  Rinse out thoroughly.  Results should appear after a few times of using the mixture.

Good luck!

-xoxo, Jayy


  1. I just tried this for the very first time today. In fact, my hair is still damp from shampooing it out, and so far, I must say, my hair smells absolutely WONDERFUL!!! My hair is about 2 inches past BSL (bra strap length), and I keep grabbing my hair and holding it up to my nose just so I can smell it! I left the mask in my hair for about 4.5 hours and even though it was a really messy procedure, I will definitely be doing this again soon! As my hair is starting to air-dry now, I am beginning to see my natural reddish-gold highlights appear more vividly than they were this morning before I did the hair mask! :) I've also noticed how much more soft and conditioned my hair both looks and feels! And yes, like the post mentioned, the cinnamon IS a little difficult to remove from your hair while washing it, but after shampooing twice, it was completely removed from my hair. Wow, my hair smells great and looks fabulous! Thank you very much for this greatly informative post, and I'll definitely be sharing it with others!

    1. Hey Alicia!
      Glad you enjoyed the mask! Just a tip for next time: try shampooing once, and then put some regular conditioner in your hair. Leave the conditioner in while you clean up the bathroom and then rinse the conditioner out. The remaining cinnamon will come out with the conditioner, and you wont have to strip your hair twice with the shampoo. This worked for me, hope it works for you!


  2. I've been doing this mask for the past 3 days, and I must say it leaves my hair smelling so good! I love it! My hair is really dark, like almost black but the first time I did this, I already saw some streaks in my hair turn a lighter brown. But do you think I should dampen my hair a little before I apply the mask on?

    1. Hey Courtney! Glad you're enjoying the mask. I have tried this mask on both wet and dry hair. I found the best results on dry hair, especially when I did it overnight. But everyone is different, and you might find better results with wet hair! I suggest that you give both a try and see how it works (:


    2. I've become obsessed with this mask, thank you so much for making this up. I keep smelling my hair. Tonight I'm going to try leaving it on overnight and with my hair a little damp. By the way, since the honey has peroxide in it, would it be better to use more honey? And I know it's best to use raw honey, but what is the best kind of honey after raw honey?

    3. I'm so glad you enjoy it! I'm not sure that I'm the first one to think of this combination, but I'll accept your praise either way :)

      I haven't used more honey with this particular mask, but I have done masks with roughly half a cup of honey, and seen great results. It won't damage your hair, so give it a try! If you don't have raw honey, regular honey will be fine. If you find the honey to be too sticky, try adding a tablespoon of vinegar to the mix!


    4. will any kind of vinegar work?

    5. I use distilled white vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is also a good option. I'm not sure about what other types of vinegar would do for your hair, so do some research before using anything else!

    6. thanks because I only have apple cider vinegar in my house right now :)

    7. Also will this lighten black hair?

    8. You're welcome!

      It will lighten black hair, it just takes longer for results to show. Also, results will be best in direct light, especially direct sunlight. I used this mask once a week for about a month and a half before I started to notice significant difference. But everyone varies, and you may notice results sooner!

    9. I tried with the apple cider vinegar but it smells disgusting. What shouls I do???

  3. I made this mix and then something came up and I couldn't use it. It has been out for 2 days now. Will it still work? I am worried that the peroxide will be out of control and I will bleach my hair! What do you think?


    1. Hi Amber!

      It will most definitely still work! The peroxide in the honey will not get out of control and bleach your hair. It is naturally forming and is not as harsh as the peroxide you would buy in a bottle. The peroxide will be stronger than it would be if you left it for a few hours, but that's alright!


  4. ^^ hey i have tried the mask few times !!nd i was just wondering how many time should i use it per week ?? nd when should i start seeing some difference ??

    1. I recommend two to three times a week maximum, as you don't want to overdo it!! Depending on your hair colour and how well the peroxide develops, you should may see a difference after the first use. You should see a difference by the third or fourth use though!


  5. Hi mi name is Ana, and i have really dark brown hair and I wanted to know that if I used it, will my hair become a redish color or a lighter brown. HELP!!

    1. Hi Ana!

      After using this mask a few times, you will start to notice a reddish tint to your hair colour. Keep in mind that the darker the hair, the less difference you will notice.

      Good luck!

  6. I have heard all kinds of variations on this mask, but I'm going to try out yours. However, I have done this kind of mask before, and I have seen results. The only problem is sometimes I feel they 'fade away' Please Help. P.S I have black hair

    1. Hey Billy Bob!

      When you say "fade away", I assume you mean that after a while your hair returns back to it's natural colour.
      Since your hair is naturally black (like mine), it is going to be hard to change your hair colour. While I was using this mask regularly, the results did not fade away, however the colour change was best visible in the sunlight. If I was inside or in the shade, my hair just looked black. When in the sun, it was clear that there were a reddish-brown tint to my hair. Continue to use the mask on a regular basis to condition your hair and continually renew the colour.
      Since your hair is black, do not worry about your hair drastically changing colour with this mask. Ultimately, if you want a drastic change to your black hair, you will have to use hair dye or bleach. I starting using hair dye on my hair almost a year ago, and so I have stopped using this mask reguarly. If you want tips and tricks on keeping dyed hair healthy, let me know!!

      Hope this was helpful!


    2. Hi Jayy,
      I would love to see some tips for keeping dyed hair healthy, that would be great

  7. Hello ladies,
    Could you please tell me if this mask can be applied to colored hair? Will it wash the color out of my hair or it will make make my highlights stand out without damaging the color? Thanks in advance. :)

  8. From my personal experience, the colour of your colour-treated hair will not wash out with this mask. The mask will alter the colour of your hair, and give it a slightly reddish tint due to the cinnamon. It is natural and therefore should be gentle on your colour treated hair!

  9. Hey,
    I used a mask similar to this last night and my hair feels amazing and i noticed a few lighter bits. Do you think if I was to add a half part of peroxide it would still be safe to use overnight?
    Thanks :)

    1. Hi Kat!

      I don't recommend leaving peroxide in your hair overnight. It may lighten your hair too much, or cause it to fall out. If you really wanted to give it a try, test a small section of hair in the back of your head.

      Hope this helps!


  10. Does it matter if its normal honey or raw honey? Because I only have normal honey right now but I really want to try it tonight.. so would it make a big difference?

    1. Store bought honey can work. I prefer to use raw honey because it is natural, therefore it has less artificial substances/fillers (such as added sugar).

  11. Hey would it be fine if I left this conditioner on for two days?

    1. That's not a good idea! This mask won't be effective if you leave it in for that long anyways. Leave it in at most for 3 hours, but be warned that it will get stickier as it dries out. If you want to have the mas in your hair for two days, it's best to wash it out and then reapply a fresh batch.

      Hope this helps!


  12. Is there a chance that your natural hair color will come back? By the way my hair is dark brown near the roots and light brown at the tips.

    1. I have not tried this, but my guess would have to be no. This mask will be changing your current hair colour through a (gentle) chemical reaction with your hair, rather than laying another colour over this. You can try the mask on a small piece of hair for a few weeks and see what happens, but I doubt that it will revert.

      Hope this helps!


  13. I just wanted to know can we do this mask every other day?? (Started doing it about 5hrs ago)

    1. Hi Rin,

      If you normally shampoo your hair every other day then this should be okay. However if you wait longer between washes, I wouldn't recommend it. If you use this mask every other day, I also recommend leaving it in for less time.

      Hope this helps!


  14. Dear Jay,

    Is it okay for me to use this mask every 1 or 2 days before I take a shower? (my hair gets greasy fast, haha.) I don't want to damage my hair, since I have "virgin" hair, but I'm not patient. So is it okay?

    1. I meant each time I take a shower which is 1 or 2 days after my last shower.

    2. Hey there!

      Yes, it is safe for you to use this mask every 1-2 days! You might find that it makes your hair greasier if you don't wash it out properly, but other than that there should be no issues!



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