Day 1

Its 2019.  I want to write more, share more, so here we are.

I don't post often here anymore.  I feel like I don't have much to share.  And truthfully I've just fallen into the trap of laziness.

I live so much of my life online, especially on Netflix.  So unsurprisingly when I took inventory of the past year, I found that I didnt really grow much at all.  I have travelled a bit, seen some more of the world.  But then I came back home and fell back into my old ways.  I didn't really change.

And I want to grow, so badly.  I can feel the potential inside me being stifled by my laziness, my fear, my unwillingness to take risks.  I have always played it safe, always made the "right choice", done the acceptable thing.  It's served me well, but I cant live life without taking a leap once in a while.

I like looking back on old blog posts, so I'm hoping to be able to use my blog to track some growth this year.  I hope you'll join me on my journey.

To kick start my growth, I'm returning to reading for the love of reading.  I was recently gifted a copy of Becoming by Michelle Obama.  So I'm unplugging, distancing myself from Netflix and YouTube.  I'm tuning into myself and hopefully returning to my love of reading.

Goodnight!  I look forward to journeying together.



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